Friday, 3 September 2010

Fashion Contest!

-artwork by Jyrki Vainio

Every Discworld Convention has its share of spectacular costumes. They range from the simpler productions of Chaos Costuming to stunning bejewelled crinolines, exquisite tailored dresses with exploding bustles, elaborate cloaks, hand tooled watch outfits and leather - all to rival any theatrical production.

This time however there was competition in the guise of not one but two spectacular Indian weddings held in the hotel. Cloth of Gold, embroidered scarlet wedding saris, glittering jewels and every colour under the sun paraded through the hotel foyer.

This caused some confusion on both sides as Holywood met Bollywood. The result was reciprocal invitations to parties and inspiration for Jyrki Vainio (A705) to draw:

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

The saris were amazing and I'm still jealous of Marina for getting an invite to a wedding dinner! Apparently the food was amazing too.