Sunday 24 August 2008

I'm Bela Lugosi

Well, it turns out I was already dead, as that was the murder mystery the Assassins set up - who killed the Abbot of Cool? Fortunately, since dying at the start of the Con would be Uncool, I quickly reincarnated. There are some benefits to being the Ultimate Funkster, after all.

Today, though, I shed my cool robes and donned a chainmail shirt, to introduce The Reduced Battle Company, who presented Viking Age England: 300 years of Conflict (with tea breaks).

If you missed it, you missed murder, mayhem, mutilation, pillage, plunder and ravishing of women. Great family entertainment, in other words. I think the most popular part was when the Viking axeman at Stamford Bridge killed Pikachu and a Unicorn. All in all, a good history lesson, I think.


1 comment:

Thomas said...

It couldn't have been better if the Worshipful Guild of Conjurors, Thespians and Assorted Trades had staged it! Well Done!

Conjurors Guild